mare like Hitler*s secret hiding, place,the. Blinker.,then a. shopping mall*It seemed like, every store you went into dropped sixty feet undergrouncl»I didn* t see any reason for that,hut I imagine it* s something to do with-. architecture,which bores me.*.
.In some.way*I liked the mall., even though. it made me nan rpohr, __ .1. beard about, a great mall, in Chicago that has a store in it with live spiders crawling around on the. cieling;*Be.sides that, there*s this-metal sphere.that*s full of static electricity, and-makes, your hair stand on end when you. touch it.lt makes all the little kids,who. were recently banned from that store, scream -their 11 ttlenbaraxma out*I’m gonna go to; ■ that place one. of these ;days.I like almost all malls,but especially this one,because ;i.t*s where I met. William Scott.After I met. him,I conned him in—
:to coming to. ray school.Boy,was that a mistake on his part.
Paula and I .went into; this restaurant that we'd never been ito before.Ha ane ever goes, to this one because it's farther underground then any other store in the mall*I'd think that that would make, the place more exclusive and app.eal.li.ng to everyone, but I guess. I'm wrong*! had an eery feeling about this restaurant.It wasn't just the restaurant,but it was the faet that this demented young girl was, lowering me into it that made me want to turn back.
I felt different about it when I got dawn there.The. main
room was a complete square with several doors on all sides of it*
In the middle of the room were a serei.es o.;f symmetrically set
tables and chairs that; were in the shape of an X*Along two sides
o;f the room; were a bunch of baaths*The other walls had a bunch
of doors,and the other one was a very nice counter that looked
like it had gotten between the north and the south p.o.le*It was
all stretched out and very long.It was. some sort, of metal ..I'd
never seen hefare.But the-counter wasn't where I sat,I sat in
one of the booths*We were only, two of the. six people in the
whale, place,wnich is why we were waited on almost immediately.
I tried to. imagine what the. place would look like if it were full
of all the; ’kinds of people that probably come here.I figured you" have k'e Pretty remote to go 137 feet under ground just to eat.
- Author
- mark thomas